
Clinic Responsibilities


The staff and the board of directors work hard to maintain the operation of the Clearwater Free Clinic and are committed to provide you with quality health care.

  1. We will try but may be unable to provide you with the medications you require.  In the event that we do not have your medication, we will provide you with a prescription to take to a local pharmacy.
  2. We will make referral appointments for you.  If we do not have the referral available we will try to provide you with other alternatives.
  3. If the Clinic Directors & Practitioners determine that your health issues are beyond the scope of what the Clinic can safely provide, we will try to help you to make other arrangements for your health care.

The Clearwater Free Clinic does not provide physical exams or office visits for those who are involved in litigationnor does it provide disability paperwork or determinations to return to work.